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St Giles Church of England Primary School


"Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed, will revolutionise the way we learn."

Steve Jobs

Computing at St Giles

Computing is now fundamental to the modern-day world. Our curriculum at St Giles is designed to provide children with the skills and knowledge they need to become confident, proficient and responsible users of technology; an education which equips them for the changing world.

Our progressive curriculum begins in EYFS where pupils explore Computing through continuous provision, moving through the school to year 6 where we aim for our pupils to be digitally literate and secure in their computational thinking.

Our Computing curriculum focuses on the three areas: computer science, information technology and digital literacy.

Pupils receive lessons each week, delivered on laptops. We encourage the use of laptops as this is fundamental for their educational journey to secondary school and beyond. By using the laptop’s keyboard and mouse, it engages a child’s brain in coordinating their movement and supports pupils’ recognition of letters.  

The use of technology is also encouraged in other areas of the curriculum, for this we will often use our class set of iPads.  We aim for pupils to develop digital literacy and understand the multi-modality that the English curriculum can have. It is important that our pupils are able to express themselves using different media.

Our technological infrastructure in school is continually developing: we monitor our laptops and ensure they are updated to facilitate our delivery of the curriculum.

Safeguarding is also a priority for our children and forms part of the Computing curriculum. Online Safety is taught to every year group and is reinforced across our curriculum.

St Giles is also part of the i-Vengers programme. We have elected a handful of year 5 and 6 children who champion online safety within school and support teachers’ understanding of how our children access technology.









For Knowledge Organisers, please see Key Stage pages under the 'Pupils' banner.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Computing Sequence and Progression Grid