The Curriculum at St Giles
Curriculum Intent
Overall, the intent of our curriculum is to ensure high standards in all subjects, especially Reading, broaden children’s knowledge across all subject disciplines, and provide strong support for Social and Emotional Mental Health in our more vulnerable pupils. We also aim, through curriculum design and pedagogy, to increase children’s independence and resilience, and seek further ways to embrace and celebrate diversity.
For specific information about our Early Years curriculum, please click here.
Curriculum Organisation:
The schemes or resources listed below form a part of the teaching in these subjects and are based on National Curriculum entitlements, although these are supplemented by other approaches or plans. Other subjects are based on the National Curriculum and are planned discretely by teachers.
Phonics - Little Wandle
Maths - White Rose
RE - Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus, Understanding Christianity
Computing - Purple Mash
PSHE - PSHE Matters, and Goodness and Mercy for Sex Education
PE - Real PE (supplemented by Skills PE)
DT - Kapow
Music - Charanga/Sing Up
MFL - Language Angels (French)
For further information, please click the links below. Mr Loader (Executive Headteacher) and Miss Stanley (Head of School) have overall responsibility for organising the whole school curriculum, so for further details please speak to them, or your child's teacher:
Curriculum Maps by Year Group KS1 Year A 2023/24 KS1 Year B 2024/25 Y3/4 Year A 2023/24 Y3/4 Year B 2024/25 Y5/6 Year A 2023/24 Y5/6 Year B 2024/25
English Long Term Plans 2024/2025: Autumn Term 2023/24 Spring Term 2023/24 Summer Term 2023/24
Subjects - National Curriculum Sequence and Progression Art Whole School Overview (artists and links to subjects) |
SMSC (see Sequence and Progression grids for full breakdown and development across school)
History Vocabulary Lists |