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St Giles Church of England Primary School

Remote Learning

If children are absent for covid reasons (i.e. positive LFD, symptomatic waiting for PCR, or positive PCR), teachers will provide Remote Learning via Class Dojo. This should be completed if children are well enough - for example, if they are asymptomatic or quickly recovered.

On the first day of absence, if well enough, children should complete some Reading, Maths Whizz, Spelling booklets and Purple Mash activities, for which they have login details. If unsure, contact your child's teacher. Teachers of the youngest children may provide different activities - all will be on Dojo.

From the second day, teachers will upload 3 tasks per day onto their Portfolio on Dojo. They will send a link to access these resources.

These are editable on devices, or you can screenshot/photograph and upload to the portfolio.

At times, work may be uploaded to Google Classroom as this has more facility for live streaming and delivery of lessons with teachers explaining e.g. PowerPoint presentations. Teachers will communicate directly with you if this is the case.

Class Dojo login

Remote Education Policy

Online Safety Links        

Google Classroom on PS4/Xbox

Tips/video link to support children's well-being and mental health

Leaflet for children - staying safe/learning from home

Outbreak Management Plan September 2021