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St Giles Church of England Primary School

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Every child has their needs carefully assessed and their progress tracked.  Any child who has special needs has them identified early and then this is discussed with parents straight away.  This includes children who may be gifted, physically disabled, partially sighted, hearing impaired, epileptic, diabetic, autistic, or have behaviour needs. 

The Special Needs co-ordinator works closely with class teachers and other agencies such as the school nurse or the education specialist support services so that every child’s individual needs are met.  Interventions may be set up, so that children are taught in small groups away from the classroom on specific, focused areas in English and Maths that enable them to catch up with their peers. Formal Special Needs reviews are held three times a year but parents and carers can meet informally with staff at any time by making an appointment.

Teachers are supported by the Sendco to adapt the curriculum in every subject for pupils with Special Needs. Sometimes, provision includes specific support for Social and Emotional Mental Health (see the Pastoral Support section under the 'Pupils' banner on this website), but this support is not limited to pupils with Special Needs.

The SEND Code of Practice changed in September 2014. Our SEND Policy in response to this can be found below and in the policies section of this website.

The Sendco (also the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children) is Rachel Binney (rbinney@stgilesprimary.org.uk).

The Link Governor for SEND is Rachel Amos.

Please click on the link below to access our SEND Information Report, which contains comprehensive details about our provision in this area as well as other documents, and a link to the Derbyshire 'Local Offer' for SEND, which has a full range of information for parents.

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report 

SEND Intent, Implementation and Impact

The Hive Intent, Implementation and Impact

SEND Covid 19 Annex

Adapting the Curriculum for SEND

Universal approach and SEND support at St Giles

School Accessibility Plan

Derbyshire Local Offer for SEND