Derby Diocesan Academy Trust (DDAT)
St Giles joined DDAT on 1st September 2017 and we are extremely proud to be part of our Multi Academy Trust. This has enabled excellent support and a full range of provision from DDAT, and allows us to collaborate widely with other settings within the family of schools. This includes English and Maths Hubs, a Headteacher network, SEND, EYFS and SBM Networks.
DDAT provide financial, legal and school improvement services, and these are having a strong impact on many aspects of school life. From DDAT:
Thank you for showing an interest in St Giles CE Primary School, part of the family of schools in the Derby Diocesan Academy Trust. We want our schools to be fun places of learning where all are welcomed. Our academies are not all alike but reflect the needs of the local community through an effective and visionary local governing body that includes strong parental representation. Our academies are still referred to as schools and must be highly effective, distinctive and inclusive. For more information about our family of schools, please visit the DDAT website (click here).
For DDAT's legal and financial information, please click here.
For further information, including summaries of individual school performances, click on the links below - more information can be found on the link above. In February 2024, DDAT and DDAT2 merged into one Trust (DDAT) - St Giles was formerly in DDAT, not DDAT2):
DDAT2 Signed Accounts document
Derby Diocesan Academy Trust,
Top Floor, Unit 3 Endcliffe Mount,
Deepdale Business Park
Ashford Road
DE45 1GT
DDAT Office: 0333 355 4353
Company number: 08980079