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St Giles Church of England Primary School

Consulting with Parents

We periodically consult with parents formally on a range of issues. These have included, for example, changes to our Sex Education policy. 

We send out annual questionnaires, and the outcomes and responses to these can be found via the links below:

March 2024 Parent Questionnaire

November 2022 Parent Questionnaire

November 2021 Parent Questionnaire

May 2021 Parent Questionnaire

November 2019 Parent Questionnaire

When appropriate, we hold Parent Forum meetings to  consult with our parents on key issues that affect school life. These meetings take place in the evenings in a relaxed atmosphere with refreshments provided, and parents are instrumental in helping to shape school policy. Meetings are well attended and parents’ views are clearly expressed and acted upon.

Meetings have included the new curriculum and the approach that parents wanted to see for homework. Following the meeting, staff took these ideas and implemented a completely new style of homework. We cdonsulted with parents via meetimngs and questionnaires in Summer 2023 on Homework; 68 responses were received and this has formulated our approach for Autumn 2023 onwards:

Letter to Parents following Summer 2023 Homework Consultation

Other meetings have discussed the behavioural sanctions and rewards systems within school. Suggestions were made regarding the KS2 Respect Code. Following this, alternative systems were discussed with staff, a consultation on a new approach was carried out with all parents, and new systems and procedures were then put in place.

There have also been discussions and subsequent policy change on Attendance and our approach to fixed penalty notices, and communication between home and school. 

We have also discussed online safety and ways to protect children from various issues regarding cyberbullying, gaming, and Anti-Bullying. Please come along – you will be very welcome and we look forward to hearing, and acting upon, your views.