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St Giles Church of England Primary School

Key Stage 1






Good quality transition takes place in the summer term between Foundation Stage and Year 1, and high quality teaching across KS1 and EYFS has ensured good standards over time and rising trends. Classes are split into mixed-ages, with Y1/2 pupils in the same class in all classes. This enables parity across classes, with similar planning and work for children. Y1 pupils are exposed to the Y2 curriculum, and Y2 pupils can consolidate learning from Y1, although the provision for both cohorts is often taught separately within each class.  KS1 staff or any of the leadership team can elaborate on this if parents would like further details on how we do this. Year 2 pupils are prepared for life in Key Stage 2, and are tested and teacher assessed in the summer term to give our KS1 results.

Phonics is a major part of teaching in KS1. There is lots of information about this on our Phonics page.

Reading at home - parents' role:

  • We teach the children to decode, and then have 3 Reading Practice sessions in groups every week, where children read the same 'matched-decodable' book as a group each session, and discuss it with an adult.
  • We then send this book home. Your child should be at least 90% fluent with this book. Let them read it to you and build up to 100% fluency. Praise them, encourage them, it's them 'showing off' to you how well they can read, so the book should appear to be 'easy' to read for them. Read it to mum, dad, sister, nan, and whoever else they can!
  • We will also send home a book for sharing. This is a book they have chosen that interests them - they might not be able to read all the words, so help them, read it to them, talk about it, explain what any unfamiliar words mean, and build up a love of reading with them. 
  • These two very separate approaches will hugely help them - decoding on their own with the Big Cat decodable book, and Reading for Pleasure with the book for sharing - 5 minutes a day, little and often, or more if you have time - thank you!

Please also see the 'Helping your Child to Learn' page under the Parents banner on this website for further ways to support your child at home.


Y1 Maths

Y1 Writing expectations

Y1 Marking Stamps

Y1 Reading list - suggested books

Y2 Reading list - suggested books

5 tips for reading

End of year 1 expectations

2023-2024 Class Newsletters

Year 1 Spring 1 

Year 2 Spring 1 

Year 1 Spring 2

Year 2 Spring 2