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St Giles Church of England Primary School

Key Stage 2









Lower Key Stage 2 teachers liaise closely with Year 2 staff in the Summer term to ensure a smooth transition into the juniors. There are currently seven classes in KS2. Children have the opportunity to go on two residential visits during the key stage, and in Year 6 are prepared for their move to secondary education. There is much transition work with Eckington High School, and most of our pupils move there in Year 7.

Please also see the 'Helping your Child to Learn' page under the Parents banner on this website for further ways to support your child at home.


Spelling Strategies and Games

Y3 Suggested Reading List

Y4 Suggested Reading List

Y5 Suggested Reading List

Y6 Suggested Reading List



Year 3 and 4 Spring 1 Newsletter

Year 5 and 6 Spring 1 Newsletter

Year 3 and 4 Spring 2 Newsletter

Year 5 and 6 Spring 2 Newsletter