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St Giles Church of England Primary School

Pastoral Support








St Giles is highly inclusive in ethos, and central to our Christian foundation is to provide support for all children, especially the most vulnerable, following the inspirational example of Jesus's ministry and teaching. This is reflected in our 'Everybody Matters' Vision and Mission statement, which includes the following:

Helping you to feel good about yourself, especially for those who find this hard.

Our lead for Pastoral Support is:

Rachel Binney - SENDCO

Occasionally, the team will use the skills of our Sports Coach to work with groups or individuals, especially around developing confidence and lifestyle choices including diet and nutrition. 

This team work in partnership with all staff and parents to identify children who need social and emotional support, and then individual plans are devised and implemented in a variety of ways. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Friendship issues
  • Anxiety or anger
  • Social skills
  • Low self-esteem
  • Bereavement or loss
  • Bullying

Support in these areas helps pupils' Personal Development, and this is central to our 'Curriculum Intent' to provide strong support for pupils' social and emotional mental health, and to develop children's independence and resilience. Without these fundamentally important aspects of a child's identity, barriers to learning will exist and we aim to break these barriers down and give each child what they need in order to be happy, safe and successful individuals who can flourish in school and in life.

Many of our TAs are trained in social and emotional support. Our pastoral staff offer a comprehensive menu of opportunity tailored to specific needs. They often work in partnership with external agencies such as the Educational Psychology Service. Programmes are usually medium term and tracked and evaluated, although sometimes there are shorter sessions, or longer term input. Most of the sessions take place in 'The Hub', and we also have a sensory withdrawal space called 'The Hive'.

If you would like more information or would like to discuss any concerns you have about your child, please speak to Mrs Binney either in person, via email (rbinney@stgilesprimary.org.uk) or via telephone on 0114-248-2825.