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St Giles Church of England Primary School

Religious Education

Religious Education at St Giles

At St Giles, we follow the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus for RE, and view this as a core subject; achievement in RE is monitored by the Full Governing Body, and Governors and leaders ensure that high priority is given to RE through funding and CPD. Our approach to RE follows the 'Statement of Entitlement' and we use this document as a guiding principle for how we organise the subject in school.

Pupils make good progress and achieve well in RE, and our assessment system adopted from the Agreed Syllabus evidences this. We achieved RE Quality Mark at Silver Level in October 2019, indicating the strong emphasis and provision for RE within school. The main resource we use within the Agreed Syllabus is 'Understanding Christianity'; two thirds of our teaching in RE is Christian-based, with other religions taught as well (Judaism in KS1, Hinduism in Y3/4 and Islam and Sikhism - incorporating Buddhism - in Y5/6). Stories from other religions are weaved across the curriculum outside of these taught units, and teachers also refer to and discuss other beliefs including atheism and humanism. As a school, we celebrate, and embrace, 'all faiths and none.' Our curriculum is also supplemented and embraced by ‘What If’ learning, which weaves Christian values across all areas and subjects.