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St Giles Church of England Primary School

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

"You're BRAVER than you believe, STRONGER than you seem and SMARTER than you think."

Christopher Robin to Pooh Bear


PSHE and RSHE at St Giles

At St Giles Primary School, we believe that relationship, sex and health education (RSHE) enables our children to become healthy, safe, independent and responsible members of society. We aim to help our children understand how they are developing personally and socially, and equip them with the skills to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.


RSHE Curriculum

At St Giles Primary School, RSHE is taught as both explicit lessons and is also embedded in other areas of the curriculum. We use PSHE Matters to support our sequence of lessons and every year group follows half termly units, based on the following themes:

  • Being me, including difference and diversity
  • Relationships, including difference and diversity
  • Exploring emotions
  • Being safe, including online safety
  • Being healthy and drug education
  • Growing up and changes and sex education.

Children also take part in themed days through the year, including ‘Anti-bullying day’, ‘Safer Internet day’ and ‘Children’s mental health day’, amongst others.

At St Giles we have a range of squads, including children from Y2 upwards. Children are selected at the start of the year to be part of the following:

  • Charity squad
  • Eco squad
  • Worship squad
  • Buddy squad
  • Science squad.
  • School Council

Regular meetings are held, where whole school concerns are discussed and initiatives to make St Giles a better place are suggested by pupils. The Charity squad and school council also help to organise fundraising and whole school events.



For Knowledge Organisers, please see Key Stage pages under the 'Pupils' banner.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

RSHE/PSHE Sequence and Progression Grid